A few years ago I was scrolling through Instagram and came across an Ad for The Boudoir Divas. It was a one hour webinar for their Online Boudoir Workshop. I listened to the web call while I was on a long drive (no…I didn’t watch it, for anyone that thinks it’s weird to listen to […]

Not exactly Babies anymore. The chicks are starting to lose their baby fluff and get their ugly teenager feathers. This is where they start to really get “their look”, and identify themselves. Still no names. We aren’t sure who is a hen or rooster, so we need to wait to figure that out first. Fingers […]

If I were to say these last couple months were no big deal, I might be lying a little. I miss all my humans and am ready to hug every stranger…but I won’t. I was so excited for 2020 to arrive for an awesome fresh start full of opportunity and hope for the future. I […]

I know….I know…this would be breaking all the Social Distancing rules and those that know me, know that I am a solid rule follower. I can’t help myself. So until I can open my home to bring confidence and self love to the surface for amazing women, I am going to give you a virtual […]

Day 41 and I feel like I am totally getting hang of PhotoShop. That was a major goal when this whole work from home, stay at home situation started. Today’s Self Portraits were taken at the same time as the ones I shared yesterday, but these had seams all over the background. My portable home […]

While I am super fortunate be able to work from home, I have needed a project to take my mind off what’s going on around us. I signed up for a cool Self Portrait Project with Kara Mara Studios. It’s been a really interesting Journey with no end to the learning and creativity. I got […]

It’s a windy, miserable Spring Day. Wouldn’t be super chilly if it wasn’t for the winds. Got out early to clean out the flower gardens before the rain came. The rest of the day as quickly turned into a very lazy Sunday. This is the first weekend EVER I have seen the Cardinal at my […]

Awesome!!!! Now is a great time to get off of Automatic and start to get the pictures you want, not the pictures your camera takes for you! Your creativity will be endless once you grasp a few concepts. Look through your viewfinder. See that ruler looking thing? That’s your exposure meter. You want the exposure […]

Here I am on 31 days of self quarantine and it’s Easter Sunday. A day normally spent gathering with friends and neighbours. Today I am cooking a 15 pound turkey (that’s the size that was in the freezer), and wishing for just today this wasn’t happening. But…it is. I’ve already called my Mom three times […]

So this past week I put out a request to the Universe. And by Universe I mean Facebook and Instagram. I have selected my 60 favorite images (although I feel like I could have selected at least 150), I had to trim my favorites. From 60, I reluctantly got the images down to 26 and […]


© 2023 Teira Ferris Photography
|       teira@teiraferris.com       |

Teira Ferris

South Frontenac, ON