New Years Eve Self Portraits

I know I have said this before, but taking self portraits isn’t easy. The settings, the focus point, the white balance, the composition and the expression all done basically blindfolded.

I preset my setting as best I can. I try to find an object that I can use to focus on as a “stand-in”, but once I click the start of my interval timer and run into place, it’s a crap shoot how many will be in focus. How many will have a decent expression. How many will have my head in the frame.

The trick is definitely to use the Interval Timer on your dSLR, not just the quick timer. You can set the seconds between frames, how many frames….way more forgiving and a lot less back and forth. Although a lot more photos are taken, it’s really fast to cull them in Lightroom.

Admittedly I did cut my head off in a few shots, but I think even those ones had a moodiness to them that I kinda liked.

I definitely can’t wait to shoot people other than myself, but as I work on self portraits around my property I am finding more and more locations to shoot in that are different and unique.

I’ll share a few photos here now, but there will be more to come. It was a busy day of shooting and I’m really enjoying the editing process.

If you haven’t yet followed, go check it out now. Ang McCabe is the brains behind all the cute GIF’s I learned how to make this year, and best part…she’s Canadian and super funny and real.

With Joy and Gratitude xo

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