This could be YOU 👆 When you look at this photo, did you say to yourself…I could never? I sure hope not. You absolutely can. Why not? I get it. It’s January. Who takes photos outside in Winter? YOU SHOULD! Too cold to wear a dress? First of all…you can get insulated tights relatively inexpensively. […]

How to stand out, be seen, be recognized and build relationships for success. Personal Branding Photos.

Here we are, less than a week away from the biggest fresh start of the year… NEW YEAR’S DAY! If you have been a part of my community for a while, you know resolutions aren’t my thing. I get overwhelmed by disappointment when I don’t commit to a resolution and then end up beating myself […]

Let this be your invitation to start 2025 with a renewed sense of self love, appreciation and confidence ❤️

Don’t settle for no more, no less. Kick Imposter Syndrome out of your life by giving her a name and stop keeping her on your “guest list”.

Even if you aren’t from the generation that had a smartphone in elementary school, you probably have one now. With a smartphone with you at all times, I bet not a single day goes by that you don’t open the camera app. Am I wrong? Here are a list of what I believe to be […]

Reflecting on turning 50 and remembering the struggle with 25. Older than a young lady, younger than an old woman. Is menopause an age bracket?

** affiliate links included…I would never share a link to a product if I didn’t use it and love it ** It’s been a hot minute (and I use that phrase literally) since I last checked in on all my Menopause ladies out there. What a unique ride menopause is. I’ll try to break down […]

Are you the face of your brand? Keep reading to learn why it is SO important.

Get started today taking photos with consistent lighting


© 2023 Teira Ferris Photography
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Teira Ferris

South Frontenac, ON