Give yourself grace, compassion, love and rest

Learn how I improved my sleep with two purchases that have changed the game.

Consider a photo experience for your next team building event.

“This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase any of the items from my link directly, I could make a commission, with no extra cost to you. If you have any questions about the products I recommend, don’t be shy to ask me anything.” Free falling into hell I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised […]

Boudoir sessions…are they just a photoshoot in your lingerie lying on a bed in a sexy pose? Oh hell no! They are so much more than that. They are an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone. To get dolled up, put on the outfit that makes you feel badass and sexy and shock […]

What I love most about backlit images (where the light is behind you), is the shapes it emphasizes. The curves of a woman’s body are badass. Gimme all the curves all the time! You know what else creates the most incredible curves? Corsets. I love a good corset. So sexy and feminine. Pair them with […]

The warm, soft, sexy tones of this studio make my heart sing. The warm hardwood floors, and sexy copper counter make for a beautiful setting to take gorgeous images. As much as I love classic black and white, there is something so sensual about a soft, warm image in colour. Which style speaks to you […]

Fingers crossed that because you are here, you are considering a Boudoir Experience. I would be honoured to be your Photographer. I do mean honoured. It’s a big deal picking a Boudoir Photographer. Click HERE to learn more about the factors in play to choosing your photographer. My style is quite simple. The main focus […]

boudoir, portrait, lingerie, sexy photo, empowerment, self love

So! The time is right! You made a goal for yourself in whatever transformation category is important to you. Now it’s time for your “Manicure Milestone”. In this case, your reward is going to be a Boudoir Session. GREAT! I’m so excited for you. This is a BIG DEAL. Booking a Boudoir session isn’t the […]

Tips to help you on your journey for financial independence and growing your confidence


© 2023 Teira Ferris Photography
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Teira Ferris

South Frontenac, ON