Scroll Stopping Self Portraits Guide

I help women level up their confidence with Portrait Photography and Self Portraits.

I have been busy creating awesome (if I do say so myself) content to help you level up your Self Portraits to elevate your confidence!

As you know, Portrait Photography is my passion and I know the power of beautiful images and how they can elevate your confidence. With this elevated confidence comes a different kind of power. The power to believe you are unstoppable. Fearless and Resilient.

I believe in Portrait Photography and I believe in you.

As much as I would love to photograph every single woman in my surrounding communities, I totally understand that might be unrealistic. So…here I am offering to help you rock a photoshoot without me. When the time is right for you, I am a phone call away for a Portrait Session.

Stay close so I can continue to share tips and tricks to taking stunning self portraits that you will be so proud of.

I will be covering lighting, posing, expression, props, backgrounds, what to wear, camera settings and more.

As you know, I have been working very hard on Self Portraits over the last 15 months and I am definitely loving the results and have so much more confidence personally with all these sessions in my gallery.

You don’t need fancy gear or a huge amount of props or the perfect background. I will show you how to work with what you have to start taking self portraits that will turn heads.

Imagine all the reasons to have amazing portraits. Social Media. Personal website. Business Website. Never discount your families Refrigerator…it’s a photo collage that is timeless!

If I can elevate my own self confidence, I know I can help you too!

Click here to download my FREE Guide to taking Scroll Stopping Self Portraits.

Self Portrait Session

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