OK, we all have the one thing going on in the back of our minds. Maybe, it’s not even in the back. Maybe Imposter Syndrome is at the forefront of all your thoughts, hopes, dreams.
What does Imposter Syndrome look like?

She’s the nagging, annoying “friend” that is always there waiting to tell you that what you are thinking is impossible. It won’t work. You aren’t qualified to do that. Someone else is doing it already. You don’t have the education you need. You don’t have the experience you need. No one will listen. Stop wasting your time. Just get a job and make no more, no less.
If you actually had someone saying those words to you everyday, you would start to believe them.
It’s time to kick that “friend” out of your life. She might pop by every now and then at a party with acquaintances, but you don’t need to go up and greet her as she walks in the door. You can keep your distance, stay in the Great Room by the fireplace surrounding by people excited to engage in conversation with you. She can mingle in the hallway looking into the Great Room from doorway thinking “she knew you when…”
So let’s name her. I think if she gets a name it will be easier to remove her from your circle of influence.
What will you name your Imposter Syndrome?
I will name her Bridget.
Now when I see Bridget coming, it will be easier to avoid her. If she comes at me down the street, I can take a left or right hand turn and detour around the tornado of negativity she brings with her.
The beauty of “people” like Bridget, is they help fuel of the fire of how to show her she is wrong.

Nothing is impossible if you work hard and find a way. It may not work out exactly as you envisioned, but everything you dream of achieving is just a bunch of intentional steps forward.
Why won’t it work? If you put in the work, stay laser focused on the end game and steps, why won’t it work?
What qualifications are required. Really? Why do I we assume life experiences don’t count as qualifications. I think it’s more about being VERY clear and articulate on HOW your life experiences have contributed to your motivation for success.
Is someone else doing “the thing” already? Great! It’s funny. I watched a reel on IG last night and it was about Coca Cola and Pepsi vending machines in big stadiums. When it was one brand of vending machine it became a question of “do I really need a soda?”. To when there were competing vending machines side by side. It then became, which one do I want, and no longer, do I want one or not. Competition is healthy and exciting and if someone is already doing it, it proves there is a market for it. Now all you have to do is, do it YOUR way!
How does “no more, no less” make you feel inside? A photographer mentor of mine, Sue Bryce, used that phrase years ago when I started learning from her and it stuck with me as a permanent twitch in my eyelid. No one wants a permanent eyelid twitch! It’s freaking annoying, lol.
The thought of “no more, no less” is as complacent as “it is what it is”. Both phrases make me sad. Dream bigger than that. Go after your goals. We all deserve what we give. Give more, get more. There is no limit to the success you can have. There is no reason to give in to “it is what it is”. Fight for change and progress and make a difference.
So, Bridget…you are no longer invited to my birthday party, my morning tea routine, my work day or my creative thoughts. I don’t need you. I don’t need you bringing me down and reminding me of all the times I tried and failed. I don’t need your black cloud of negativity around me. It’s cool…I’ll find new friends that inspire me, lift me up, encourage me and are invested emotionally in my success and appreciate what I bring to the conversation.
So long, Bridget.

Tell me….what will you name your “Bridget”? Reply back…I’ll get it, I promise.
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I’ll be watching for your email. I wonder who Bridget will be having coffee in the “hallway looking into the Great Room” with?
My is Joanne! I Hope she and Bridget are fast friends!
I’m certain they will be! They will be looking for new friends. We don’t need them!