So, no surprise here…I’m turning 50 in a few months.

What might be a surprise is someone called me a woman a few weeks ago, and it felt weird to hear that. Am I old enough to be a woman?
I asked around, and I am, indeed old enough to be a woman.
I know I’m too old to call myself a girl, but am I really old enough to be a woman?
Why does it feel weird to be a called a woman? Is it because the phrase “old woman” is stuck in my head and you can’t be a woman unless you are old?
I don’t really consider myself old, although when I was 20, 50 was definitely old.

Is there a specific age where you transition from being a lady to a woman. I feel like the spread from “young lady” to “old woman” is very wide. What do we call the in-between’s?
I suppose the fact that I am in menopause should definitely categorize me as a woman, LOL.
Don’t get me wrong, I realize I don’t need to put a label on anyone, including myself, as girl, lady, woman but I definitely feel like I fall somewhere between young lady and woman. Menopausal…is that a female category?
Age is definitely only a number and in most ways this is the age I want to be (like it or not, lol). 50 is going to be amazing. I’m still young enough to be active and strong and old enough to be smart and make good choices with my time and money.

Turning 50 really has me reflecting. I didn’t realize it until a few weeks ago that I often compare my life today, to my life at the last milestone of 25.
25 I was living an amazing life in Banff, AB with awesome friends and a great job at the Banff Springs Hotel doing and seeing lots of cool things. I learned to ski, snowboard and golf. It kinda surprised me that 25 hit me hard even though I had a great life. I spent way too much time wondering what was next? Is this where I expected to be at 25? Did I make any bad choices?
This milestone is so much different. I feel good. I feel happy. I have great friends. My family is next level awesome. I have a great career with colleagues that I would wrestle alligators for. My health is so much better than it was this time last year. It’s just a great time to turn 50.
I’ve learned to take much better care of my overall health, physical and mental, which was a huge benefit over the last year.

I have learned to prioritize what is important to me and my values and my goals, and say no to things that don’t align and bring me joy.
I finally can say I know who I am, what I want, who I want to be surrounded by and what I want to do that lights me up.
What age milestone had you freaking out a little? I’m happy mine was 25, so I could sulk, and move on and now appreciate every birthday as it comes.
My 50th celebrations are literally going to take me the entire year, starting in December. I won’t quit celebrating until the clock strikes 51. That’s my promise to myself.

I definitely want to treat myself to a Boudoir Session with one of my mentors in my 50th year. Could be a trip to NYC. Could be a trip to Nashville or California. Might even be Spain or Greece. T
o celebrate my upcoming 50th celebration I will be offering a special 50+ Boudoir experience if you are in the South Frontenac, ON area, send me a message. I want to help you leap into 50 as the fabulous, unstoppable, badass woman you are!

To learn more and stay updated on my upcoming plans for celebrating all women 50+, go to and sign up from my FREE Professional Selfie Starter Guide or click the THIS LINK, to get on my VIP list.

Whatever you do, do it with GUMPTION
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