This week started out looking outside of the box. I tried to look at composition differently that I normally would.
As soon as I sat on the tractor and saw the old dials, I knew it was a different angle that I wanted to capture. Looking down and looking back in time to 1958.
It’s been a grey week with sun at the beginning only. Blah the rest of the time, so it took some walking around, to find something special to capture each day. I have definitely found that when everything seems blah and dreary, just make it black and white and it gives the day some intrigue and mystery.
The Cardinal made me feel the sting of a lower quality zoom lens. Nikkor 18-200mm f3-5/5-6. It did the job with a lot of help from Lightroom, but not National Geographic worthy by any stretch.
Day 15: snackfood
Day 16: hot drink
Day 17: history
Day 18: wildlife
Day 19: gardening
Day 20: growth
Day 21: black and white
April 15 – 21st
- Day 15
- Day 16
- Day 17
- Day 18
- Day 19
- Day 20
- Day 21
Day 15: 50mm, f/2.2, 1/250
Day 16: 50mm, f/4, 1/200
Day 17: 28mm, f/2.2, 1/1,000
Day 18: 200mm, f/2.2, 1/800
Day 19: 44mm, f/4.5, 1/250
Day 20: 50mm, f/2.5, 1/320
Day 21: 50mm, f/6.3, 1/80
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