Good Light vs Bad Light

So…first of all, pardon the selfies, but they were taken to make a point.

First point…I figured out how to curl my hair with a flat iron and wanted to send a pic to my friend Esther.

Second point, much more related to photography…there is a massive difference between good light and bad light.  Not just on paid shoots but with selfies too!

Mid day sun is unforgiving, unflattering and just down right nasty.  So what am I saying…stay inside?  Only take pictures at dawn and dusk?  Hope for cloudy overcast days everyday?  Hell no…but definitely pay attention to they way the sun is hitting your face.

If you are squinting…it’s too bright, but don’t go inside, just look for open shade.  You know the shade I mean.  Look up.  You can still see the sky, but something is blocking the direct sun from smacking you in the face making you squint your eyes until they are darn near closed.

Look for a building or wall that might have a great shade line coming from it.  Perch yourself close to the edge of the shade line so you still get a bright catch light in your eye.  Yes!  Catchlights will be seen because you aren’t squinting!  A white wall is probably best to use (if there is one, obviously), since it won’t try to cast weird colors on your pretty face.

You can use a tree if you need to, but also watch for the green tree and green grass casting those green shades on your face…unless of course that’s the selfie you are aiming for.  Who am I to suggest otherwise.  Another thing to watch for using a tree as shade is the blotches of light that may be passing through the leaves.  They can be distracting, especially if one falls on your nose or cheek.  You will know it if it’s hitting your eye…back to the squinting issue.

Another thing to note, if you want to be the star of your own Selfie Show…keep turning until there aren’t any big distractions in the background.  Unless of course the Eiffel Tower is the big distraction in the background.  You just may want to watch for dumpsters or anything else that you wish wasn’t there when you snap the pic.

 In order of least flattering.  Although I love the way the sun makes my hair burn red, it’s extremely unflattering for my face.

 This one gets a little better.  The light is a little more even on both sides of my face, but my nose and cheek are catching a sun ray which throws off the image.

 Not horrible, but again, my nose and chin are catching the sun, and I don’t love when those are the eye-catching features.

 So, I have now found even light, but my expression is off…but getting closer to a final image.

 I do like the way the sun is adding a soft hair light and I am back-lit.  Still have catchlights in my eyes.  Not a bad pic as far as what to avoid goes.

This one is my fave.  A more natural expression, catchlights in my eyes, soft and even light, no blotches of sun poking through.  Yep!  This is the Selfie I was looking for.

The Selfie shots started so I could send Esther a pic of my hair, and it turned into a teachable moment for my blog.

Maybe that’s the inspiration I have been searching for.  Keep living life and taking images everyday and a teachable moment or a “why can’t I get this right” moment will come.

I have already made the commitment to the #teira365.  So far…I think it’s working.


  1. Tanya says:

    My beautiful sister. Great pointers even for us non-photographer peeps.

  2. Love this post! I also don’t like selfies but your clients will love this! Very well done and well written!

  3. Elena says:

    Very well said and very visual lesson on light! Thank you!

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